Shine the Spotlight on....CLEO!

Shine the Spotlight on....CLEO!

Who's Cleo?

She's the quilt of the month and has us all thinking about what to make as we enter the dog days of summer - for those of us in the northern hemisphere, I think we can agree it's time to cool off!

The end of summer means lots of other things, too. Do you all have special people heading off to college? Newlyweds with a brand new home? and it's almost time for the Valentine's Day babies to start making their arrivals!

cleo quilt kit by Love Sew

I'm betting we all have a special someone in our lives who could use a new quilt, and I'd like to put forth a candidate: Cleo.

Have you ever noticed that the simplest patterns can have the biggest impact? For those of us who straddle the line between 'modern' and 'traditional' quilters, Cleo has all the right ingredients: exuberant color, simple shapes, and a dynamic all-over design with energy to spare.

The Cleo pattern is by designer Erica of Kitchen Table Quilts - the master of fun, simple quilt designs that make your favorite colors pop! Our sample of the Cleo quilt was made with fabrics from our True Fabrics Wavelength color selection. I've been in the mood lately for bold colors in surprising combinations and simple -quick-to-make - quilt patterns. Cleo checks all the boxes!

Want to know what else is great about Cleo? She's big. Big enough for newlywed sofa snuggles or a dorm room bed, making this quilt an ideal gift for someone special. The sample quilt shown was made with the kit we have here in the shop and it finishes 70" x 80". You can find the kit <here> and sew it up in a weekend.

If you're ready for the cooler temperatures and fall colors, get a head start on Cleo might be too hot to think about snuggly quilts today, but you'll be happy to see your finished Cleo when she's finished by October.

Happy Stitches,


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I have a granddaughter named Cleo after her paternal great grandmother. Wouldn’t that be a fun quilt to make for her!



Judy J

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