Your Ideal Set Up: Sewing Machine

Your Ideal Set Up: Sewing Machine

It's probably safe to say that as quilters, we are inherently in tune with making our surroundings beautiful: we love the color and patterns in the fabrics we surround ourselves with. Another thing we love? Tools and toys that make sewing easier, comfortable, and attractive!

No matter what kind of sewing space you have, from a fully dedicated spare room in your home, to a temporary set-up on the dining room table, having your space set up in a way that is functional and COMFORTABLE is essential. When it comes to sewing space, we create a work triangle similar to what you typically know from kitchen design (sink, stove, refrigerator). For the quilter's work triangle, it's the sewing machine, rotary cutting mat, and pressing space/ironing board. 

sewing room set up with sewing machine tilt table

How's your triangle set up? We are thrilled to share new and upcoming products to the Love Sew shop that will make YOUR sewing space efficient AND comfortable.

Let's start with the sewing machine: we have a brand new product that is specifically designed to add functionality and comfort to your sewing space, the Tilt Table.

What is it?

Sewing machine tilt table for angled ergonomic sewing position

The sewing machine Tilt Table creates an angled surface to elevate your sewing machine, making it easier to see the full sewing surface under your needle without bending or slouching. It works for sewing while seated as well as standing, just rotate it to put your sewing machine the position most comfortable for YOU.

sewing machine tilt table for angled sewing sold by Love Sew

A few years ago, I discovered that I really liked standing up to sew, particularly when working on a project requiring a lot of back and forth to the cutting and pressing stations. Standing up not only felt like a healthier alternative to sitting for long stretches, but by placing the sewing machine on a counter height table, all three parts of the work triangle can be on the same level, minimizing space and furniture needs. It also makes it easier to move from sewing to cutting to pressing.

Only problem with standing? Visibility of the sewing needle area is poor without bending in awkward ways. 

Solution: place your tilt table with the higher side toward you so that the front of the sewing machine is angled up. In this position you can stand up straight and tall and your sewing space is wide open to view, PLUS: changing bobbins, and threading the needle is a breeze!

sewing machine tilted table for egonomic position for sewing

For longer sessions at the sewing machine, pull up a counter stool and sit while you stitch. For seated sewing regardless of your table height, turn the tilt table around so the front of the machine is tilted downward. This positions the sewing surface at a comfortable angle for optimal vision and arm/wrist position.

 sewing machine tilted table top for egonomic sewing sold by Love Sew

Are you ready to get your ideal sewing room set up? Here are our suggestions for optimizing comfort:

  • Get your sewing machine tilt table! Sitting or standing, tilt it up or down...find the position that works best for you and your body and space. Your wrists and neck will thank you!
  • Elevate your cutting station: leaning over a table to cut fabrics is really hard on your back! If you don't have a dedicated cutting table that is high enough, use bed risers under your regular table. These handy risers are available at most home stores (Bed, Bath, and Beyond, Target, etc) and are portable so you can take them along on retreats. An easy and affordable option to get the perfect height cutting table!
  • Choose the right seat: chairs and stools come in all shapes and heights...choose the one that allows you to sit comfortably with your foot in a relaxed, natural position on the sewing machine foot pedal. Your seat height will affect your neck and shoulders, too! Make sure it's right for how you sew.

If you have suggestions and tips that have helped you sew more comfortably or to set up your space to maximize function, let us know! Join the Love Sew Facebook group and show us a picture of YOUR sewing space. We'd love to see where all of your creative magic happens.

happy stitches,


Reading next

Oh, Happy Days! A new pattern
New Quilt Kit: Piece & Love




It looks like you no longer sell this item. Will it be coming back?

Roberta Chezik

Roberta Chezik

When sitting at machine it’s my left shoulder blade area that starts screaming would a tilt table help

Loretta Shurick

Loretta Shurick

Your sewing machine is very nice I’m thinking of doing it to mine

Katharine fields

Katharine fields

I have been using the tilt table for the sewing and now I am able to see mucn better. I also have been switching my lap top computer and the sewing machine . I am able to use the computer for a much longer period of time and my hands and arms do not become as tired , which is also the same when I use the sewing machine. thank you. katharine bodle fields



With back trouble , This looks like a great idea. Hope the table is still in stock.

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